Friday, May 14, 2010


Soooo, Lynn is probably in the air by the time you are reading this. She's flying out this morning and seems to be very excited and ready to go.

I will only occasionally be entering information for my friend, Lynn- as she has been a very good student and with only a few sessions over lunch at Panera Bread- She has mastered the internet blogging world. I will only be her back up.

If anyone is not certain as to how to enter a comment for Lynn. Remember, you must first sign up for a free email (google account- GMAIL account). Do this by simply going to and in the upper right corner you will see sign in. Click it. Then you will see create an account (under the sign in)- Click on it - There you can enter information-Remember young folks- You should probably use mostly fictitious information and/or "nicknames" or only real first names-fake last names! This is a dangerous world. Listen to your teacher's directions on this.

Once you have that done, it should be very simple to comment. Just go back to the blog and go ahead and choose to POST COMMENT then write your comment and when you go to post it -it will ask you which medium or something like that- choose from drop down box the "google account" as your medium and it will then automatically take you to sign in on your google acct. Once signed in you can preview and/or post your comment to Lynn.

I know she enjoys our comments so let's keep her encouraged as she dares to- once again- even at her age ;) -- complete this incredible and more ELITE TOUR across the USA.
Always standing by - Joy


  1. You go girl! Soon you'll be rejoined with your baby and then them miles and amazing sights! CT :)

  2. Hey Lynnette! You rock & roll! Looking forward to following your adventures...see in a few weeks...wheels

  3. Hey Lynnette! Really appreciate the updates, photos, tour are truly awe inspiring...keep pushing through to your goal!
